Letters from the heart Of The Animal Kingdom

In 2022 I lost my soul dog, went through a divorce, moved back home to my roots and have been doing a lot of therapy! I’ve connected back with friends, family and who I was becoming while simultaneously grieving who I used to be. I wasn’t the same person anymore. I felt supported by the humans in my life, but on those days when I felt lost, I turned to the ones who I knew would have a different perspective for me when human life became too heavy. The Wild Animals. So, I turned to the Animal Kingdom to wrap me up in their webs, pods and cocoons. I asked them to guide me through this weird life I was living.

I felt so inspired and held by them I thought “Is there some way I could bring this unique connection to my clients and to my work?” I sat with Wolf and together we created a little offering. I’m calling it “Letters from The Heart with the Animal Kingdom” Through this offering done via email you and I will discuss a few key points you wish to get guidance with. After that I will tap into the Wild Animals of the Animal Kingdom and together, the animals and I will write a letter for you with hope, advice and ways to stay connected to them.